
This dataset is a high-quality sample of the global liner shipping network in the year 2015, containing 977 ports (i.e., nodes) and 16680 inter-port connections (i.e., edges); detailed in, and officially released with, my global-liner-shipping-network article published at Nature Communications.
该数据为2015年全球集装箱班轮运输网络的一个高质量样本,包含977个港口节点和16680条港口间连边。该数据为本人发表于Nature Communications的海运网络论文的附属数据资料;关于该数据的详细描述,请见论文


This dataset can be freely used for scientific research purposes only. Any other uses, such as commercial business, conference presentations, posting on web sites or consulting reports, are FORBIDDEN. The dataset cannot be copied or redistributed in ANY FORM and on ANY MEDIA. For specific uses permission MUST be requested.